The college wanted to replace a 1950's dormitory with a new, state-of-the-art dormitory. Although constrained to five acres, the plan also included additional classrooms to a building originally built in 1927, more parking, and an increase to the data center and power plant. This involved numerous options to study and review, in order to meet the expansion goals and successfully restore outdated facilities. The college needed to maintain the full curriculum program activities and operations without interruption in order to ensure students' career paths toward graduation.
By ensuring that all team members clearly understood the specific objectives, Northstar led the process to meet the college's goals, which included all project objectives. This project was successfully completed on time and $1 million under budget with no class disruptions, safety concerns, or cancellations. Additionally, despite being constrained to five acres and two original buildings from the 1920's and the 1950's, the college was able to have a complete new look for the future.